
How Far Do You Beed To Walk For Pokemon Go To Register

Comments (fifty)


  • 1
  • RupeeClock

Y'all tin can obviously narrow the list downward by putting each species line as its own entry.
List Blastoise, Squirtle and Wartortle as separate entries is pointless, they will be 3km each regardless considering they will all honor Squirtle Candies.
The guide as well doesn't give any idea of what the payoff for meeting the requirement is. The update withal hasn't launched in a U.k. so yous should include that sort of data for people who haven't got to try it notwithstanding.

Still, it'south really adept to see that Magikarp is only 1KM, as are Pidgey, Caterpie and Weedle. Magikarp needs a ton of candies, and the others will help tremendously with power-levelling.


  • ii
  • Turrican

The update is still not bachelor for iOS in Germany. At to the lowest degree for me.


  • 3
  • teamshortcut

Wow what a useful guide; oh await the update hasn't been rolled out to me (and presumably the rest of the Britain) yet. -_-

(joking aside, it is a useful guide though )


  • 4
  • Sean_Aaron

My question is practice they keep paying off or do you demand to change monsters? Besides how much is the reward?


  • 5
  • Thierry

So how many candies do y'all get each time you lot consummate the required distance...?

Please tell me it'south not 1.


  • six
  • Peach64

Is it just 1 processed for walking that altitude? Currently trying to assemble upwardly dratini candies only merely seeing i every calendar week on average so information technology's boring going. Could easily walk 5k each twenty-four hours though.


  • vii
  • ThePoochyKid

@CB85 Yeah, you go 1 or 2. You do also become 500 XP, though.


  • 8
  • Damo

@RupeeClock List the types equally one entry then makes it hard to find a detail monster, esp if you're not enlightened which evolves from which.


  • 9
  • Damo

@Mega_Yarn_Poochy You don't become 500XP, that was misreported. Someone saw a screenshot with 500XP on it, just apparently the user who took the shot had just hatched an egg.


  • 10
  • Damo

@CB85 I've been getting 1, but I've heard you can sometimes get 2.


  • eleven
  • retropunky

That's a lot of walking. At to the lowest degree we have the option now for those monday that we tin't discover oft.

Though I read that there would be other rewards?


  • 12
  • RupeeClock

@Damo That's preposterous.
If you've already acquired the Pokémon you'll designate as your buddy, you lot know which Pokémon it could accept evolved from.
If y'all want to evolve it into something else but don't know what, you lot would commencement by assigning the bones course anyhow.

My point is not listing the Pokémon by evolution line/index number actually makes the guide harder to read and also fails to explain what they evolve into.


  • xiii
  • crimsontadpoles

I'grand glad that Magikarp only needs 1km for it. I half expected it to take a ridiculously high distance needed.

I'one thousand nevertheless waiting for the update here



  • 15
  • Damo

@RupeeClock This isn't a guide for evolving monsters, it's a guide to show the distance needed to get a candy. It even says and then at the top of the folio!

And preposterous? I've hatched (and defenseless) stage one evolutions without having whatever idea what the base or stage 2 evolution is. And so how would I possibly know how many candies I needed?

Possibly you're assuming every Pokemon Go thespian has an intimate noesis of every monster in the game - that'southward non the case, and for that reason the list is easier to employ when broken down to individual monsters.

Unless yous notice scrolling down an alphabetised list hard, of form.


  • 16
  • Thierry

@Damo Hm, meh. Gonna exist a long while before I'll become to evolve my Magikarp, then. XD


  • 17
  • DragonEleven

@Damo If information technology's near getting the processed, then why non simply list it by the type of processed? It's conspicuously stated on the info folio of each Pokemon what candy is used to evolve/ability them up.
Also, it's incommunicable to hatch stage 1 evolutions, so y'all would merely accept caught them, merely fifty-fifty and so you tin tell the name of the base Pokemon past looking at the proper name of the candy displayed on the info page... right beside where information technology tells you how many candies are needed to evolve, and then there is no demand to know the name of the evolved Pokemon in order to know how many candies are needed to get it.


  • 18
  • jpfan1989

I have yet to see the update for Android on us Side.


  • 19
  • RTT

@BensonUii @Damo I would prefer them to exist in Pokedex order tbh, but alphabetical is practiced enough


  • xx
  • RTT

@DragonEleven If you want to highlith the km needed just Ctr+F (Chrome not certain in other browsers) and type eg 1km. That should be useful if you want to see only specific distance.


  • 21
  • RadioHedgeFund

I'g not certain this is so useful for pure development. 400km for a Gyrados would be basics.

That said It will be useful for those times you need 1 more Processed to evolve and you can't detect another type to catch.


  • 22
  • DragonEleven

@BensonUii I don't see why you'd demand to find the Pokemon instead of the candy though... if you lot know the Pokemon you would know what candy information technology gives, and list just the candies would give a shorter list that would be easier to browse.

@KTT Where did I say anything about looking for specific distances? I don't even know why anyone would have any demand to practice that.


  • 23
  • RTT

@DragonEleven Distressing, I read that "then why non just listing it by the type of candy?" equally it meant the distance. In this sense, candies take 3 types: 1, 3 and 5km.
... considering list information technology by pokemon or by candy is basicaly the same thing, minus the repetition in pokemon name listing.
Simply wanted to be helpful. My fault I misunderstood, but there is no reason to be mean.

And frankly, listing them by altitude (or highlit) tin be useful too. Similar, I think I will be doing Clefairy now, every bit information technology is not simply rare but has only 1km


  • 24
  • Desrever

Noticed in the article information technology mentioned your starters having perfect IVs. Unless I'm mistaken and got the short end of the stick here, I think the starters all have set up ten/10/10 IVs.

Another matter... I have some friends who got ill of waiting and installed a mirror of the APK update. I oasis't pulled the trigger on downloading this myself in fear of Officer Jenny coming along and banning my account. But after really contemplating it, equally long as the apk file is identical to the original, and hasn't been tinkered with, information technology should be fine, right?



  • 25
  • Kyosaii

So information technology'south (egg-group hatching altitude / two) rounded up. No demand for a long table.


  • 26
  • Sean_Aaron

1 seems kind of weak, but then it's ameliorate than none!


  • 27
  • riChchestM

@Damo You lot have a point, just I think they teach that stuff in schools at present. My daughter is just 4 and she knows about 300.


  • 28
  • XCWarrior

"As a dominion, it makes sense to set up your starter Pokémon as your buddy considering they take perfect IVs, and that means perfect stats moving forward. "

Did not know this. Pikachu might be the choice, but honestly I'm but gonna allow my 3 twelvemonth old pick since he loves playing with me so much. Well, I'm not going to let him choose Ratatta, but ane of the rare ones.


  • 29
  • XCWarrior

@RadioHedgeFund Before, you lot got no bonus for walking beyond hatching eggs. Now you get a bonus. No matter how much, information technology is still more than than earlier.


  • 30
  • bezerker99

Still no update here in North America.

Also, Magicarp ftw


  • 31
  • chiefeagle02

No update even so in Oregon. Thanks for the chart though. Good to know how far I'd need to walk for candies.


  • 32
  • ikki5

let me guess, I still cannot ride a bike at 10km/h to get these either.... Because for me, eggs don't hatch anymore from cycle riding and I bike 14km a day on days when I cycle to piece of work.


  • 33
  • KayFiOS

@ikki5 Weird, because I can ride my car with the app open, and as long as I don't get faster than 20mph, it still logs my distance without telling me to irksome downward. It'southward just useful if I'm driving through heavy traffic, though.


  • 34
  • Megapokepaul

I'm never gonna get my omastar and kabutops......


  • 35
  • RadioHedgeFund

@XCWarrior exactly. Something is better than nothing, plus it looks 😎

I'd hope they would put some of the rarer Pokémon into even rarer eggs that need 100km+ to hatch. Anyone fancy 1000km for a Mewtwo?

IAP HM'south could be fun likewise, for example Wink shows you the three closest Pokemon merely but works at night. Or Fly lets yous check out the status if Gym's that aren't nearby.
Utterly useless in the metagame but fun additions nonetheless.


  • 36
  • Kroko

I probably have several hundreds unused candies. What I need is more star grit. And I'm tired of grinding for it >.>


  • 37
  • DragonEleven

@KTT I wasn't trying to be hateful, I was simply confused near where your comment came from... only your idea of using the in-broswer search does make sense.
They could have listed them like this...
Bulbasaur candy - Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Venusaur - 3km
Charmander candy - Charmander, Charmeleon, Charizard - 3km
Squirtle candy - Squirtle, Wartortle, Blastoise - 3km
Caterpie candy - Caterpie, Metapod, Butterfree - 1km
... and then on.
This gives a more compact listing, while withal allowing people to search for specific Pokemon if they need to.


  • 38
  • FriedSquid

Would exist a useful list if I had the update...



  • xl
  • Don

Nevertheless no update, what'due south going on Niantic?



  • 42
  • LzWinky

Don't feel too bad Europe, the update forgot to add together the Buddy organization in America. Cracking PR Niantic!



  • 44
  • Inc

Mew and Mewtwo are on the list...


  • 45
  • Fandabidozi

Wartortle is merely 3km! Woohoo!
The rumour was everything was 10km so these are way more achievable.


  • 46
  • ikki5

@allav866 I wish that was the instance for me. I become for a wheel ride, average out at 10-12km/hr and that thing comes up "You're going too fast" and eggs will go similar 0.1km.


  • 47
  • RTT

@DragonEleven Alrighty then, no worries.
Information technology seems like your proposition is like the nearly clever listing example hither


  • 48
  • teamshortcut

@Lzeon Yep, rumours are that they're now waiting for iOS x to release before the update is fully rolled out.


  • 49
  • Kroko

@teamshortcut Pokémon Go update is now available in France, fyi.

Edit: Non sure why anybody was talking about Pikachu moving to your shoulder after a certain altitude. I thought it would be a thing specific to Pikachu, but information technology seems to be the normal matter for any small Pokémon. My Eevee went on my shoulder immediately. Well, it'southward cute, at least...


  • fifty
  • QuietLeni

Hey! Y'all missed out Gen 5s:

Venipede, Whirlipede and Scolipede are 1km.
Tympole, Palpitoad nd Seismitoad are 3km.

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