
Does Maryland Require You Register Antique Handguns

Maryland'southward gun police

Location of Maryland in the Usa

Gun laws in Maryland regulate the auction, possession, and use of firearms and ammunition in the U.Southward. state of Maryland.

Summary tabular array [edit]

Subject field/Police force Long Guns Handguns Relevant Statutes Notes
State permit required to purchase? No Aye Md Public Safety Article Section 5-117.1[1] A Handgun Qualification License is required, unless exempted (Active Duty/Retired Military with identification cards, Active/Retired Law Enforcement with department credentials, Federal Firearms Licensees); training is required, unless exempted; fingerprints are required; background checks are required; does not invalidate the requirement to perform a comprehensive background check for every handgun purchase transaction.[1]
Firearm registration? No Yes The country police maintain a permanent record of all handgun transfers. Automatic weapons must be registered with the state law.
Owner license required? No No
Permit required for concealed behave? N/A Yes Maryland is a "may upshot" country for concealed deport. Applicants must demonstrate a "adept and substantial reason" to carry a handgun. Permits are commonly very difficult (but not impossible) for ordinary citizens to obtain. An applicant may be issued either an unrestricted let or a let with varying degrees of restrictions at the discretion of the issuing authority.
Permit required for open carry? No Aye Open acquit is permitted with a conduct license, simply is not generally practiced except by uniformed private security officers. Long guns and antique handguns may be carried openly without a license.
Country preemption of local restrictions? Yes Yes Maryland has state preemption for most simply not all firearm laws.
Assault weapon police? Yes Yes Md Criminal Police Article Section iv-303
Firearms Safety Act of 2013
Certain models of firearms are banned as attack pistols and set on long guns. It is illegal to possess an assault weapon or a copycat weapon with two or more than specified features (folding stock, grenade/flare launcher, flash suppressor) unless owned before x/one/2013, or received through inheritance from a lawful possessor and not otherwise forbidden to possess.[i]

Some local counties have adopted 2d Amendment sanctuary resolutions in opposition to assail weapon laws.[2]

Mag capacity brake? Yes Yes Illegal to purchase, sell or manufacture magazines with a capacity of greater than x rounds inside Maryland. However, possession of magazines greater than 10 rounds is legal if purchased out of state. These may not, nevertheless, be transferred to a subsequent possessor unless done then outside the land of Maryland.
NFA weapons restricted? No No Automatic firearms, SBSs, and SBRs must be owned in compliance with federal constabulary. Law is silent in regards to DDs, suppressors, and AOWs.
Background checks required for private sales? Partial Yes GAM Public Safety, §5-124 All private transfers of regulated firearms (handguns or set on weapons) must exist processed through a licensed dealer or designated constabulary enforcement agency which must behave a background bank check on the buyer.
Red flag law? Yes Yes [iii]
Gun laws in Maryland[4] [5] [vi]
Flag of Maryland.svg
Constitution sections Constitution of Maryland,
Declaration of Rights.


Fine art. 28. That a well regulated Militia is the proper and natural defence of a free Regime.

Preemption and local regulation
Preemption sections Criminal Law – §four–209.

Public Safety – § 5–133.

Public Safety – § v–134.


  • Local governments are prohibited from regulating the buy, sale, taxation, transfer, manufacture, repair, ownership, possession and transportation of handguns, rifles, shotguns and ammunition, with some exceptions.
  • Local governments are prohibited from regulating possession, auction, rental, or transfer of "regulated firearms."
    • Regulated firearms are handguns and specific assault weapons and their copies.
  • Localities may regulate the buy, sale, transfer, buying, possession and transportation of such firearms and armament with respect to minors; law enforcement officials of the local government; and activities in or within 100 yards of "a park, church, schoolhouse, public building, and other place of public assembly."
  • Localities may regulate the discharge of firearms, but non at "established ranges."
  • Localities may regulate the auction of trigger locks with handguns.
  • To the extent that a local police does not create an inconsistency with this section or aggrandize existing regulatory control, a county, municipal corporation, or special taxing district may exercise its existing authorisation to amend any local law that existed on or earlier December 31, 1984.
Local regulation sections Come across below for existing local regulations.
Ownership registration sections Criminal Law – §4-401.

Criminal Law – § 4-403.
Criminal Law – § 4-301.

Criminal Law – § iv-303.


  • Machine guns must be registered with the State yearly.
  • Assault pistols are prohibited; except:
    • Assault pistols lawfully possessed before June 1, 1994 and registered before Baronial 1, 1994.
Purchase registration sections Public Safety – § 5–101.

Public Safety – § 5–123.

Annapolis City – § 11.44.030


  • "Regulated firearm" means:
  1. a handgun; or
  2. specific assault weapons or their copies
  • The Secretarial assistant [of the Maryland Land Police] shall maintain a permanent record of all notifications received of completed sales, rentals, and transfers of regulated firearms in the State.
  • Annapolis requires dealers to go on a register of persons purchasing armament and sure firearms, along with the brand, model, caliber, and appointment.[7]
Restricted or prohibited items
Restricted firearms sections Criminal Police force – § 4-301.
Criminal Police – § 4-303.


  • Assault pistols are prohibited; except:
    • Assault pistols lawfully possessed before June i, 1994 and registered earlier Baronial ane, 1994.
Restricted accessories sections Criminal Law – § iv-305.


  • Detachable magazines with a capacity of more than 10 rounds of ammunition may not exist made, sold, purchased, or transferred. Possession is not prohibited.
    • This law does non utilize to .22 quotient rifles with tubular magazines that have a capacity of more than x rounds of armament.
Restricted or prohibited places
Restricted places sections Criminal Police – § 4-102.

Criminal Law – § 4-208.
Transportation – § 5-1008.
Criminal Law – § iv-405.
Anne Arundel County- § 9-1-601.
Baltimore City – Fine art 19. § 59–1
Gaithersburg City – § fifteen–16.
Montgomery Canton – § 57–10.

Montgomery County – § 57–11.


  • Public school property, except certain persons.
  • Demonstrations in a public place or in a vehicle within 1,000 feet of such demonstrations, except certain persons.
  • Aircraft engaged in certificated air commerce services, except certain persons or in compliance with sure rules.
  • Machine guns generally may non exist possessed outside of one's permanent residence or concern occupancy, except certain persons.
  • Anne Arundel County: the property of another without signed, written permission of the owner, occupant, or lessee.[7]
  • Baltimore Metropolis: firearms with barrels over 14" in length on one's person or in a vehicle within the urban center, except certain persons, certain firearms, or in compliance with certain rules.[8]
  • Metropolis of Gaithersburg: pistols, revolvers, or other dangerous weapons on the streets of the city, except unloaded firearms used for hunting.[9]
  • Montgomery County: firearms on 1'southward person or in a vehicle, except sure persons, or in certain circumstances, or in compliance with sure rules.[x]
  • Montgomery County: in or within 100 yards of a place of public assembly, except certain persons or in compliance with certain rules.[10]
Restricted or prohibited persons
Underage persons sections Public Safety – § 5–101.

Public Prophylactic – § 5–133.

Public Safety – § 5–134.


  • Persons who are nether 21 years of historic period, with some exceptions for hunting and target shooting.
Restricted persons sections Public Safety – § v–101.

Public Safety – § 5–133.

Public Safety – § 5–134.


  • Fugitives from justice.
  • Habitual drunkards.
  • Addicts or habitual users of whatever controlled dangerous substance.
  • Persons suffering from a mental disorder and have a history of violent behavior; unless he possesses a physician's certificate.
  • Persons who have been confined for more than thirty consecutive days to a mental wellness facility; unless he possesses a physician's document.
  • Persons who are visibly nether the influence of alcohol or drugs may non purchase a firearm.
  • Persons who have not completed a certified firearms rubber training class may not purchase a "regulated firearm."
  • Participants in a "straw purchase."
  • Persons subject to a "non ex parte civil protective lodge."
Convicted persons sections Public Prophylactic – § 5–101.

Public Safety – § five–133.

Public Safety – § 5–134.


  • Persons who have been bedevilled of a law-breaking of violence, any Maryland-classified felony, conspiracy to commit a felony, a common law criminal offense for which the person received a term of imprisonment for more than 2 years, or any Maryland-classified misdemeanor that carries a statutory penalty of more than ii years.
  • Persons under xxx years of age who accept been adjudicated runaway past a juvenile court for an deed that would be a disqualifying criminal offence if committed by an adult.
Manufacturing regulations sections Public Condom – § 5–402.

Public Safety – § v–406.
Public Safety – § five–131.

Criminal Law – § 4-305.


  • A person generally may not manufacture for distribution or auction a handgun manufactured subsequently January 1, 1985 that is not included on the handgun roster in the State.
  • Manufacturers must ship handguns with a shell casing of a projectile discharged from the handgun in a sealed container.
  • A person many not industry a detachable magazine that has a capacity of more than x rounds of ammunition for a firearm.
    • .22 caliber rifles with tubular magazines that have a chapters of more than 10 rounds of ammunition may be manufactured.
Sale, buy, and transfer
Dealer regulations sections Public Safety – § 5–106.

Public Prophylactic – § v–118.
Public Prophylactic – § 5–134.
Public Rubber – § 5–128.
Public Prophylactic – § 5–131.
Public Safety – § 5–132.

Public Safety – § five–204.


  • A Land license is required to engage in the business of selling, renting, or transferring regulated firearms.
  • Purchasers must complete a certified firearms prophylactic preparation course before purchasing a regulated firearm.
    • An online programme offered by the Maryland Police Training Committee can fill up this requirement with the purchaser receiving the card at the end of the on-line lecture.[11]
  • No more than 1 "regulated firearm" may be purchased in a 30-day menstruation, except in sure circumstances.
  • Dealers must forwards the manufacturer-included crush casing in its sealed container to the Department of Country Police Offense Laboratory upon sale, rental, or transfer, for inclusion in their ballistics database, known as the Integrated Ballistics Identification Organisation (IBIS).
  • Handguns manufactured on or before December 31, 2002 must exist sold or transferred with an external safety lock.
  • Handguns manufactured after December 31, 2002 may only be sold or transferred if they have an internal mechanical safety device.
  • Maryland residents may purchase a burglarize or shotgun from a Federally licensed dealer in Delaware, Pennsylvania, Virginia, or West Virginia.
  • Residents of Delaware, Pennsylvania, Virginia, or West Virginia may purchase a rifle or shotgun from a Federally licensed dealer in Maryland.
Individual sale regulations sections Public Safe – § 5–106.


  • Individual sales of long guns are legal and do not require a dealer'southward license.
  • Private sales of "regulated firearms" are prohibited.
Gun show regulations sections Public Prophylactic – § five–130.


  • A temporary transfer permit is required to offer a "regulated firearm" for sale at a gun evidence.
Transportation and bear
Transportation restrictions sections Criminal Law – § 4-201.

Criminal Law – § 4-203.
Criminal Law – §four-402.

Criminal Police force – §4-405.


  • For the purposes of "Criminal Law – Subtitle 2. Handguns", including "§ 4–203. wearing, conveying, or transporting handgun,"
    • short-barreled rifles and short-barreled shotguns are "handguns."
    • sure antiquarian firearms, as defined in Criminal Law – § 4-201, are not "handguns."
  • Machine guns generally may not exist possessed outside of 1'south permanent residence or business occupancy.
Open deport restrictions sections Criminal Police – § 4-201.

Public Safety – § 5–303.
Public Prophylactic – § v–306.

Criminal Police force – § four-203.


  • Carrying a handgun either openly or concealed is prohibited, except certain persons, or in certain circumstances.
    • Exceptions include transportation of an unloaded and cased firearm, when traveling to or from:
      • a place of purchase or repair;
      • a residence and business;
      • an organized military machine action, formal or informal target practice, sport shooting event, or hunting.
  • Generally, no permit is required to possess a burglarize or shotgun within the Country.
  • The Secretary of State Police, at his discretion and based on an investigation, may event a carry permit to a person seeking to wear, conduct, or transport a handgun.

Land constitution [edit]

The Constitution of Maryland contains no provision protecting the correct for individuals to keep and bear arms. The state preempts some local firearm regulations, though local governments may regulate firearms with respect to minors and areas of public associates. Annapolis, Anne Arundel County, Montgomery County, Gaithersburg, and Baltimore are known to have local firearm regulations.[4] [v] [vi]

The Constitution of Maryland, Declaration of Rights, Art. 2. The Constitution of the United states of america, and the Laws made, or which shall exist made, in pursuance thereof, and all Treaties fabricated, or which shall be made, under the dominance of the U.s., are, and shall exist the Supreme Law of the State; and the Judges of this State, and all the People of this Country, are, and shall be bound thereby; anything in the Constitution or Police of this State to the contrary. Maryland state law currently blocks anyone who has been in a mental facility or has been reported or coded as mentally ill from buying a gun notwithstanding.[12]

Regulated firearms [edit]

The Maryland State Police maintain a registry of "regulated firearms" that are allowed to be sold within the state.

Residents may but purchase handguns manufactured after January 1, 1985, that are on the approved handguns list from the Maryland Handgun Roster.[xiii]

Integrated Ballistics Identification System [edit]

Until 2016, dealers were required to frontward the manufacturer-included shell casing (or one provided by the federally licensed gun shop) in its sealed container to the Department of State Law Crime Laboratory upon sale, rental, or transfer of a "regulated firearm" for inclusion in their ballistics database, known as the Integrated Ballistics Identification Organisation (IBIS).[5] [6] The program was close down in 2015 due to its ineffectiveness.[14]

Laws prohibiting firearms [edit]

On April 4, 2013, the Maryland General Associates approved legislation imposing significant new restrictions on gun buying. The bills ban the sale of sure semi-automatic firearms that they define as assault weapons, limit magazine chapters to ten rounds, require that handgun purchasers be fingerprinted and pass a training course in order to obtain a handgun license, and bar persons who take been involuntarily committed to a mental wellness establishment from possessing firearms. Martin O'Malley Governor at the time, signed the legislation into law on May sixteen, 2013.[15] Regarding 10-round magazine limits for rifles purchased in Maryland, standard 30-round magazines may be purchased exterior Maryland and brought into the state for personal use. Those standard magazines may not be transferred, given, sold or manufactured inside Maryland.[16]

As of Oct ane, 2013, detachable magazines for semi-automatic handguns and semi-automatic centerfire rifles which are capable of holding more than than 10 rounds may not be purchased, manufactured or sold, though they may exist possessed (merely not transferred within the state) by persons who already owned them prior to enactment of the 2013 changes. Magazines greater than ten rounds may be purchased or acquired outside the country and carried into Maryland and used inside the state. Certain pistols are classified as "set on pistols", and banned from buying if non registered prior to August 1, 1994.[4] Simply handguns on the official handgun roster[17] may be sold in the state. Private sales of "regulated firearms," which includes handguns, are permissible, but must be done at a local Maryland State Police barracks. As of 1 Oct, a Handgun Qualification License (HQL) is required for the sale, equally well as a background check and a mandatory seven-twenty-four hour period waiting menstruation. A person must obtain a safe training document prior to purchasing "regulated firearms" and present that certificate prior to each buy. With some limited exceptions for designated firearms collectors,[xviii] but one "regulated firearm" may be purchased in any 30-24-hour interval period. Handguns manufactured on or before December 31, 2002, must be sold or transferred with an external safety lock. Handguns manufactured after December 31, 2002 may only be sold or transferred if they take an internal mechanical safe device.[five] [six]

Firearms advocates challenged the 2013 constabulary. The District Court ruled that the police force was constitutional based on intermediate scrutiny. On February ane, 2016, the U.s.a. Courtroom of Appeals for the 4th Circuit overruled the reasoning used to uphold the police force in a two-to-1 vote. The appellate court said that the ban on semi-automated weapons and high-capacity magazines should exist subject to strict scrutiny, not intermediate scrutiny, because they "are in common use past law-abiding citizens." The courtroom acknowledged that the country has a correct to limit the use of or ban citizen possession, sale, or transfer of "dangerous and unusual" weapons (such as hand grenades), but the weapons and ammunition barred by the 2013 law did not fall nether that provision. The appellate court remanded the case to a federal district court, leaving the ban temporarily in place pending a review by the district court. The state said information technology would entreatment the conclusion.[19] [20] On March 4, 2016, Fourth Circuit agreed to rehear the case en banc and oral arguments took place on May eleven, 2016.[21] [22] The full court ruled that such assault weapons and magazines holding more than x rounds are not protected past the Second Amendment;[23] the Supreme Court refused to hear the example.[24]

Firearms are prohibited from sure places, including schools and demonstrations.[ citation needed ]

Open up and Concealed Behave [edit]

Carrying a handgun, whether openly or concealed, is prohibited except in express events such as hunting or, unless one has a permit to behave a handgun or is on their own property or their own identify of business organisation. The Maryland State Police may outcome a permit to behave a handgun at their discretion and based on an investigation. In practice, very few applicants are granted carry permits, and approval typically requires the applicant to provide proof of a clear and imminent threat on his or her life. For instance, police force reports submitted by an applicant documenting a recent assault, attempted kidnapping, carjacking, or abode invasion, particularly when the assailant remains at-large, accept by and large been accepted as sufficient "skilful reason" for issuance of a comport permit. The State Police may effect a Handgun Bear Let that is either unrestricted or has varying degrees of restrictions, depending on the circumstances specified in the permit application. Permits are non automatically renewed, and the let-holder must justify the continued need for the allow when applying for renewal.[5] [6] Out of a total population of 6 million, there were 14,298 active carry permits as of Apr 2014.[25] No permit is required to openly carry a burglarize or shotgun in Maryland.

On August 5, 2019, Maryland Land Police force issued a new S.O.P. SOP 29-nineteen-004[26] which rescinded the previous SOP 29-15-007. The new S.O.P. removes all restrictions on business owner's permits only. Any business owner who held a let prior to the new S.O.P. must submit a request for a modification of their permit to accept the restrictions removed. Until their new permit is received, their electric current restrictions are still in force.

On March 5, 2012, a federal estimate ruled in Woollard v Sheridan that Maryland's "may issue" curtained carry law is unconstitutional, writing, "A citizen may not be required to offer a 'good and substantial reason' why he should be permitted to exercise his rights." The Maryland Chaser General'due south office appealed the ruling.[27] On March 21, 2013, a 3 judge panel of the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals (U.S. Federal) unanimously overturned the District Court ruling, holding that the "skillful & substantial crusade" requirements imposed by Maryland law are permissible without violating the 2nd Amendment.[28]

Maryland law accept been defendant of targeting drivers from other states including Florida because they concur concealed-comport permits.[29]


References [edit]

  1. ^ a b c Senate Pecker 281: Firearm Safety Act of 2013, Maryland Legislature 2013 Regular Session. Retrieved October 9, 2013.
  2. ^ "Second Amendment sanctuary?". . Retrieved March 9, 2019.
  3. ^ "Ban On 'Bump Stocks' Among New Gun Regulations In Maryland | WAMU". WAMU . Retrieved April 28, 2018.
  4. ^ a b c "Agency of Booze, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives – State Laws and Published Ordinances – Firearms" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on November nine, 2011. Retrieved November 23, 2011.
  5. ^ a b c d e "State Gun Laws: Maryland", National Rifle Association – Institute for Legislative Action. Retrieved December 31, 2012.
  6. ^ a b c d e "Maryland Land Law Summary", Constabulary Centre to Prevent Gun Violence. Retrieved December 31, 2012.
  7. ^ a b "Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives – State Laws and Published Ordinances – Firearms, p.214" (PDF) . Retrieved November 23, 2011.
  8. ^ "Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives – Country Laws and Published Ordinances – Firearms, p.215" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on November 9, 2011. Retrieved November 23, 2011.
  9. ^ "Agency of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives – Land Laws and Published Ordinances – Firearms, p.216" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on Nov 9, 2011. Retrieved November 23, 2011.
  10. ^ a b "Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives – State Laws and Published Ordinances – Firearms, p.218" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on November 9, 2011. Retrieved November 23, 2011.
  11. ^ "Maryland Regulated Firearm Training On-Line". Jan i, 2002. Retrieved November 23, 2011.
  12. ^ "Maryland Constitution - Declaration of Rights".
  13. ^ "Public Safety, §five–406 (a) (2)", Lawmaking of Public General Laws (Statutes) of Maryland.
  14. ^ "Maryland Land Police Close Down Bullet Database".
  15. ^ Somers, Meredith (May 16, 2013). "O'Malley signs Maryland gun-control measure into law", Washington Times. Retrieved May xvi, 2013.
  16. ^ "Firearm Prophylactic Deed of 2013". General Assembly of Maryland. 2013.
  17. ^ "Handgun Roster Board Meeting". Maryland State Police. Archived from the original on Nov 3, 2013.
  18. ^ "Designated Firearms Collector". Maryland Land Constabulary. Archived from the original on November 3, 2013. "A Designated Firearms Collector is a status granted and approved past the Maryland State Police upon submission of an application. It is granted to an individual who devotes time and attention to acquiring certain types of regulated firearms for the enhancement of the collector's personal collection, or possesses a Federal Collector's License (Curio and Relics). A Designated Firearms Collector is not authorized to act as a firearms dealer."
  19. ^ Dresser, Michael (February 4, 2016). "Appeals court deals blow to Maryland gun control law". The Baltimore Dominicus . Retrieved Apr 28, 2016.
  20. ^ "Kolbe five. Hogan: fourth Circuit requires strict scrutiny for Maryland ban on magazines and semiautomatics". The Washington Postal service . Retrieved Apr 28, 2016.
  21. ^ "Federal Courtroom of Appeals to Review Important Gun Rights Determination". NRA-ILA . Retrieved April 28, 2016.
  22. ^ Testimony by John Parker Sweeney" (mp3). United States Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit.
  23. ^ "Assault Weapons Not Protected past Second Subpoena, Federal Appeals Court Rules". Associated Press. NBC News. February 22, 2017.
  24. ^ "U.S. Supreme Court Rejects Assail Rifle, Open-Carry Appeals". November 27, 2017. Retrieved Nov 28, 2017.
  25. ^ [Concealed Carry Let Holders Across the Usa, Crime Prevention Research Center, July nine, 2014]
  26. ^ "SOP 29-19-004" (PDF). Maryland State Police Licensing. Licensing Division Personnel. Retrieved August five, 2019.
  27. ^ Associated Press (March 5, 2012). "Federal Judge Finds Right to Bear Arms Non Express to Abode, Md. Handgun Police force Unconstitutional", The Washington Post. Retrieved March 7, 2012.
  28. ^ 4th Circuit Court of Appeals (March 21, 2013). "Published Opinion - Raymond Woollard, et al. v. Denis Gallagher, et al.", 4th Excursion Court of Appeals. Retrieved May 27, 2012.
  29. ^ Riddell, Kelly (December 30, 2014). "Gun Owners Fear Maryland Cops Target Them for Traffic Stops", Washington Times. Retrieved January i, 2015.


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